Thursday, August 13, 2009

Gettin a little screamy

Sometimes you just have to turn into a ghost or transport to a different dimension and scream a little, then transport back. Photographer Darek Fortas understands this.


Lunalarosa is a young photographer and dancer with a great eye and a wild imagination.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Anthony Burrill

Nice work by Anthony Burrill. Less is more speaks loud here :)!

Men's style

Look at the gorgeous jacket! When i shop i often go to the men's section rather than the women's. Their style is so much better without the fuzzy cuts. Basic with nice detailing. I like :)

Cute chick!

I'm such a sucker for a pretty face. I think she can definitely be a bad ass. I'm eating my heart out now!!!

Mondial air balloon rally

Amazing photo from Mondial air balloon rally.

Project Squadt

Lovin these little fuckers from project squadt! cute awesomenesss

Cassette art

Nice campaign made for the Ministry of Sound in London by Dominic Prevost

Ballet underwater

Beautiful beautiful work from Ruud Baan! amazing photography...

Maschinen Leuchten

Maschinen Leuchten is the awesome lighting series designed by the german artist Frank Buchwald, so industrial... so cool!

Brian Viveros - Mess with the bull

Nice print work from Brian Viveros, very sexy!

I love bike from the 70s!

I'm totally in love with bikes from the 70s! These ones are from Raleigh Chopper MK II. They're quite rare and difficult to find. I want them! :D

Care-package from Ozzie!

A while ago i got so very happy because that day i received a care-package from dearest Julie in Melbourne :). We talked about sending each other some popular snacks from our each other's country for quite a while and finally that day Julie's package arrived save and sound in Rotterdam. The package contained mostly chocolates and it seemed like all the most popular sweets in Australia seem to be chocolate:

Tim-Tams - Ozzie's most favourite chocolate biscuit. How to eat? You bite both ends of the biscuit and use it as a straw to sip your milk/ coffee with it. Then you swallow it all at once! Yumm

Curly Wurly - Curly caramels covered in chocolate. Not my favourite. Sticks badly on your teeth.

Turkish Delight - Some kind of jelly-like candy with berry flavour covered in chocolate. I had very mixed feelings about this one. Kind of weird combination i think.

Summer Roll - A nougat bar with coconut sprinkles and chocolate. Yes me likey! it contained mostly natural ingredients and the combination of hazelnuts, vanilla, coconut and chocolate tasted great :)

Also in the package, a quirky zine with funny charts in it: